Across our portfolio of clients, many utilize multiple service offerings from USI, whether that be Security Officer services, Integrated Solutions, and or USI Investigations. Because of this we speak to our clients about a holistic view to their security plans. One of the “hottest” topics in these security planning meetings is centered around Drones & Robots, and how they will affect the security industry. Everyone wants to know are they real and how it all works. Today this is such a hot topic that USI sponsored an IFMA (International Facilities Managers Meeting) local chapter meeting this past Spring where we had the Connecticut State Police expert on Drones give a key-note on the current state of affairs on Drone’s. Here is an abridged version of how we are advising our clients on these topics.

Our society is enamored by the new and shiny. Whether that be upgrading to a new iPhone every year, new car or the new hot golf club that will change your game. This quick buyer mentality is great for most items, but when the new shiny object is untested, unregulated, and is offering to change an industry sometimes the safer route is one of patience.


Today companies are developing drones with different cameras and pick up / drop off capabilities. Drones have also been developed with the capabilities to be armed with both flame throwers, and firearms. These advancements pose a security threat to property owners and visitors because many don’t know what to do and or act when they see a drone. Today there is limited regulation around the governance of drone’s although the Federal Aviation Authority continue to monitor this situation and have started to put forth regulations for the user. For the property owner, we suggest a combination of education and awareness training. Posting signs in parking garages, building common areas, and on the sides of buildings forbidding drone activity is a great step in the right direction. In addition, we are advising clients to develop standards on what to do when drones are spotted such as identifying, calling local law enforcement and keeping a record of each engagement.


Mark Twain was quoted as saying “The Reports of my Death was greatly Exaggerated” after his obituary was published in a newspaper. This feeling is where the security officer industry is today as many technology companies continue to develop a new age of Robots that, in theory, is going to replace security officers. This is something out a Star War movie where an army of robots have the technical functionality and artificial intelligence capabilities to operate as a replacement to a human. Over the last few years many property / building owners have partnered with tech firms to test robots in live settings. To date the results, remain questionable, and still up for debate. Below is a video link of robot out on patrol that went bad.

Security Robot Meets Its End After Drowning On the Job

In conclusion, USI believe that technology will continue to evolve and force all of us to ask questions about how we do a better job to protect our buildings, employees and patrons. Having the newest and shiniest toy is not always the best strategy. USI treats new advancements like drones, and robots with a measured approach as we want to investigate and understand first and then engage when we are positive it can truly help our client’s security strategy.