One of United Security’s very popular and growing business units is our Investigative division.  Their role is to assist law office clients and certain State of Connecticut operations in various investigative case work. In addition, they identify serious, hardworking, smart, investigators to work at United Security. Below is a look at Dana Brookman, an up and coming investigator, who is doing great work with our clients.

Where did you go to College?
Dana graduated from the University of Hartford with a degree in Criminal Justice.

Why did you pick Criminal Justice as a major?

Dana always wanted to be a detective as young child. She knew a degree in Criminal Justice would provide a great start to her education.

What do you like about your job?

Dana enjoys meeting new people, and going to places she normally would not. She mentioned that each new case is a story that needs to be figured out.

Are their challenges you face as a female in a make dominated industry?

Just the opposite! Being a female in this industry is a benefit. Many times, witnesses are more comfortable speaking with Dana because she is so approachable.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Continuing in the world of criminal justice, expanding my knowledge base, and working on higher profile cases.

How do you spend your time outside of work?

Hanging with friends and family outdoors, fishing, camping, hiking and boating on the Connecticut river.

Vacation: Beach or Snow?


Favorite Sports team?
Dana is more interested in Music than team sports, although she does love the Patriots.

Dana has a great vibrant personality that our clients love, as well as a work ethic to get her cases completed timely and within budget. Check out our investigative services to learn more about how Dana and our other Investigators can assist you!