This month we are proud to recognize, Deanna Gallo, one of our Site Supervisors who demonstrated exceptional integrity when she found a woman’s wallet near her site’s front entrance. Upon inspecting the wallet to locate an ID, she discovered a large sum of money inside. Rather than hesitating, Deanna immediately contacted her supervisor and took swift, thoughtful action.

While waiting for a response, Deanna searched social media and located the woman’s daughter. Within 20 minutes, the relieved woman arrived in tears, explaining that the money was her rent payment, which she had gathered after selling jewelry earlier that day. The thought of losing it had left her devastated.

In an unfortunate twist, an in-house security officer suggested Deanna keep the money, stating that “no one expects to get their money back.” Deanna was appalled by this, reflecting her deep sense of duty and moral character. The in-house officer was later terminated for their misconduct.

As a single mother of two, Deanna empathized deeply with the woman’s situation and expressed that she would hope others would act with the same honesty if roles were reversed. Through her dedication, integrity, and commitment to doing the right thing, Deanna earned a well-deserved promotion to Site Supervisor.

Her actions are a shining example of the values we uphold at United Security, and we are proud to have her on our team.

(Pictured: Site Supervisor, Deanna Gallo)