Sometimes the role of Security Officer shifts into an investigator as they are going on patrol through a building checking to make sure nothing is visibly broken and in need of service.  This is what Shift Supervisor Cancel-Morales faced when he was on tour in the building where he works.  Shift Supervisor Cancel-Morales noticed a large water puddle in the Basement Pump Room.  He immediately investigated the source of the leak, which took him to the Makeup Water Pump. Upon further investigation, he noticed that the water was leaking from the makeup water pump.

Following the site’s Post Orders, Shift Supervisor Cancel-Morales immediately notified USI Assistant Security Director Victor Berry, USI Security Director Angelo Inzodda, building engineers and property management. Upon correction of the leak, Security Director Inzodda spoke with the responding Building Engineer.  He stated “The water leak could have been disastrous, and Johnathan had done an exceptional job identifying this issue.  Johnathan’s efforts prevented damage to the buildings Cooling Tower from occurring.”

Intercontinental Real Estate Shift Supervisor Johnathan Cancel-Morales was recognized for his efforts and response to a major water leak that occurred on Intercontinental Real Estate Property.  USI Management and Intercontinental Real Estate would like to say thank you for your dedication!

Left to Right: Jack Brennick (District Manager), Johnathan Cancel-Morales (Security Officer), Deo Arruda (Regional Vice President), Angelo Inzodda (Director of Security), Victor Berry (Assistant Director of Security)