As we approach November, it marks a special anniversary date, specifically the 26th year that Kathy Sicurella has been an employee at United Security.  Traditionally this award is given at the 25-year mark, but with no annual managers meeting last year and considering how special Kathy is to this organization we wanted to hold off until this year’s meetings so we could all celebrate this amazing achievement.

Kathy started in 1995 as the company Secretary.  Kathy is a go-getter and jumped into her role from day one providing support to CFO Christine Gelatt as the company grew.  Throughout her time at USI she has helped write proposals, produce newsletters, price contracts, handle all unemployment and garnishments, enroll employees in medical plans as well as order and issue uniforms.  Besides standing a post she has touched nearly every operational aspect of the company.   Kathy’s current role is Payroll Director where she reviews and processes payroll for the entire firm.

As USI approaches its 30th year in business, it would be difficult to not recognize Kathy for her enormous contributions to United Security’s success.  As we continue to grow, it is Kathy’s dedication for the last 26 years to USI that will be the measuring stick for all employees.

It is truly an honor to congratulate Kathy Sicurella with the USI Service Award for both 25 and almost 26 years at United Security!