In late March, there was a motorized bike stolen from the garage at 100 Cambridge St.  The USI Security team stepped up patrols in the garage and noticed an unfamiliar motorized scooter in the garage. Assistant Director of Security, Victor Berry, reviewed the video footage in an attempt to locate the thief and gain insight as to how the unfamiliar motorized scooter found its way to the garage facility. The camera footage showed the thief enter the garage on one scooter and then stole the other scooter. Security Officer Berry purchased a bike lock and placed it on the tire of the scooter in the garage with the hopes the thief would come back to claim the original scooter.

At 1:00 AM a few nights later, our security officers found the thief trying to remove the lock and then when he was asked if he needed assistance – he ran for the exit.  A few days later, Assistant Security Director Berry was pulling his car into the parking garage and spotted two individuals riding out an Emergency Exit on the scooter.  He proceeded to follow the individuals.  He also informed Director of Security, Angelo Inzodda, and the Boston Police Department of the situation.  The Boston PD met Victor Berry at the Charles River Parking Garage and were provided complete details of the events at the 100 Cambridge St. property.  Within minutes the Boston PD apprehended the two individuals. After extensive questioning about ownership, insurance, etc. regarding the scooter they were both arrested.

Director Angelo Inzodda and Victor Berry went to Boston Police Station District A1 to provide statements and talked with the officers.   The Boston Police Officers reported that the two individuals both had lengthy criminal records.

USI Management and Intercontinental Real Estate who own the 100 Cambridge Street property would like to say thank you for your dedication!

Left to Right: Deodato Arruda (Regional Vice President), Linda Custer (Intercontinental Real Estate client), Jack Brennick (District Manager), Victor Barry (Assistant Director of Security), & Angelo Inzodda (Director of Security)