I have worked in the security industry for the better part of two decades as a business development professional. During that time, I have had the opportunity to witness the evolution of the industry from fire watch to customer service and first responder. As a business development manager in this industry, I have been afforded a unique insight into a multitude of security programs and companies. Having started and run two businesses gives me a unique perspective on all the different factors on both sides of the desk.

In my role, I communicate with a wide array of people across multiple industries. I am a trusted security consultant to the building owners, property management firms, construction companies, and my industry colleagues at industry networking groups such as BOMA, ASIS, IFMA and IREMS.

As I meet with prospective clients, I hear the same complaints.

  1. Poor Service
  2. High Turnover
  3. Poor Communication.
  • The poor service complaint: Poor service is a function of not having the proper management to officer ratio. USI works with our clients to ensure that security plans have the right ratio of supervision to staff. USI operations recommend a 5-to-1, officers-to-supervisors as the correct staffing solution. The correct ratio of supervision to staff will help to reduce turnover.
  • The high turnover complaint: The industry average on turnover is over 70%. Today USI averages turnover across our clients in the 35% range. Do we know something others do not? Not likely, but USI goes above and beyond to invest in their employees. This starts with correctly identifying competitive wages and providing quality benefits.  Investing in training, and career path opportunities for security officers help to make them feel like they a part of a team, and not an employee number.
  • The poor communication complaint: Too many security companies hire to fill a post and forget that communication is a huge key to success. Empowering a security team with the skills, education, and pride to be the face of a client’s organization is the difference. This all starts with communication. From the interview, to onboarding through training, and onto day to day operations, USI sets the standard on how our officers are communicated to.   We need to service our employees first; in turn, they will service our customers best.

I look forward to discussing these complaints and other interesting topics with all of you in the coming year. I am available 24/7 to answer your questions on security plans and programs. My cell phone is 857-500-7463, and my email address is gkisken@usisecurity.com