As we come close to finishing up the month of August, there is that feeling in the air of getting back to work. Summer is over, kids are heading back to school, and it seems like traffic to the office has picked back up. September is a key month for any business, as it allows you to check that all the pieces are in place heading into the 4th Quarter and to “Finish Strong. “ We hear that analogy “Finish Strong” throughout the world of sports, whether that is a road race or the final period or quarter of a game. We have all witnessed an athlete or team give extra effort at the end of game, and vice versa seen someone fall apart in the final stretches. The results based on the “Final” effort usually decide who wins and who does not. The argument has been made: Can that same analogy be applied to the world of business? Should you focus goals and strategies around the competitive nature of “Finishing Strong”?

Here at United Security, Inc. we are excited and proud to push the “Finish Strong” mentality to all aspects of our business.   This obviously includes the 4th quarter, as we want to close out every year strong. More importantly we implore the “Finish Strong” thinking on daily basis.  Our managers work with our employees to view every day, every shift, and every project with the direction that we “Finish Strong.” Simply meaning put as much effort and passion into the last minute of a task as you do to the very first minute. When we look at our business units who “Finish Strong,” we are seeing great results.Whether that be in the form of a security officer who goes above and beyond with a customer as his shift is ending, or a security technology engineer rechecking a system before leaving a property to make sure all camera’s and access controls are operating to perfection.

When everyone is thinking every day on how to “Finish Strong,” it allows a culture shift that changes from “Me” and what I want to “We” and what is best for the team.

So, the answer is Yes – September is a great time of year to make sure goals will be met in the 4th quarter. But when employees look at every day like the 4th quarter and bring a sense of urgency into their daily activities and responsibilities there is nothing but success to our employees, and our clients.